Therapeutic Massage
A deep tissue style massage targeting areas of dysfunction, tightness, and pain. The appointment will usually begin with a general health screening and movement assessment, which can take up to 15 minutes. Depending on your needs and comfortability a wide variety of techniques may be used including cupping, gentle mobilisation, stretching, and dry needling.
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Relaxation Massage
Busy lifestyle? Need some chill? Treat yourself or someone else to a relaxing massage experience. Can help alleviate stress-related mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, insomnia and body dysmorphia.
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Sports Massage
Similar to therapeutic massage (see above) A deep tissue style massage, using a wide variety of techniques. This is more sport specific and depending on your needs may involve more biomechanical movement screening focusing on enhancing economy of movement and injury prevention. Perfect for pre event tune up (up to 2 days before is optimal) , and post event recovery. Please bring comfortable clothes you can move in.
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